“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming Wow! What a Ride!"

~ Hunter S. Thompson ~



My name is Cole Taylor Davis, but I go by Viper. I'm the VP of the Spawns of Satan MC. Believe me, it's not where I want to be. My life has been one hell of a journey. But I'm a lucky man. My two Old Ladies and kids make my life worth living. Yeah, I said two Old Ladies.

Mia, my girlfriend, made a mistake one night and brought her best friend, Jennie, to a club party. Devil, the Prez's son, took one look at Jennie and decided he wanted her, until he didn't. This is where everything gets twisted and tangled. That's part of my story, how I came to have two women and how I came to be the VP of SoSMC.

Through years of turmoil, strife, and blackmail, I've fought for my family and for a few of the Brothers in the MC who weren't godless creatures with no soul. Men who actually saw that some things in this fucking world are still worth protecting.

Over twenty years I spent in that godforsaken soulless MC, until finally a light shined at the end of the tunnel that led me and a few select Brothers, their families and mine to an MC that epitomized what true Brotherhood was all about. One that stood behind their men and their families. The Angel's Rebellion MC. Our salvation.

This is the story of our journey.


Once it was quiet I spoke up loudly,

“Here's to brotherhood and family. Our own we protect!”

In unison, Brother's voices shouted back, “We protect our own!”

~Quote from Mad Dog's Book~

“I don’t just color outside the lines or think outside the box, instead, I blow the damn thing up, colors and all.”


“Sometimes your knight in shining armor turns out to be a biker in dirty leather.”



Mad Dog

My name is Thomas Brown, but I go by my MC name of Mad Dog. Most just call me Dog or Prez. Oh, I didn’t mention that? I'm the President of Angel's Rebellion MC. We're not the typical 1%'er club, we don't run any illegal contraband and all of our businesses are legal. Our club is strong, solid, with good men that I am proud to call Brothers.

One thing troubled me, the club felt like it was stagnant. We needed new blood and we were able to get that through a patch-over with seven Brothers from Spawns of Satan MC. When that happened, the club felt like it became more vital almost overnight. Everything with the club was going good. Great actually. I should have been pleased, yet something seemed to be missing in my own life.

I'd lost my wife, Beth, twenty years earlier and had been left to raise my son Beau alone. I had it good. So, I didn't know why I felt so unsettled, discontent, until I observed Viper, one of the newly patched members with his Old Ladies. It hit me like a ton of bricks, I wanted what he had. I wanted a woman to call my own. I missed the connection that being in a loving, caring relationship with one woman can bring.

I'd been single all these years and no woman had even remotely tempted me to change that. Then one night a woman from the MC's past walked into my life. She wanted vengeance for the deaths of her husband and son. ARMC agreed to help her get that, bringing Ava into our world...and into my life. 


My name is Slade Wesley Dillin Cooper. For too many years I was a  member of Spawns of Satan MC. I hated the club and wished I'd listened to my VP, Viper, when he tried to discourage me from joining. But if I had, I'd have never had the opportunity to patch-over to the Angel's Rebellion MC where I finally found the Brotherhood I'd always wanted.

Life would have been pretty perfect except for one major thing. My mom, Audrey. Not long before we left Kentucky for Arkansas, Mom was told her cancer was back and that there wasn't anything that could be done. I was devastated when I heard the news. My mom has always been my rock, my go to for everything in my life. Mom is a very private person and raised me alone, allowing only Viper, and his Old Ladies, Mia and Jennie, into our lives.

An encounter with a new Prospect named Casper ended up forever changing life as I had known it. He introduced long lost family into my world. This is the start of our story, a journey of love, laughter, tears, and family.

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My name is Gage Aaron Dillin, but just call me Casper or Cas for short. I had plans for a military career, but one mission changed all that. All my long range goals went up in smoke. My buddy Ghost and I traveled the States on the back of our bikes for six months after leaving the Army, fighting our demons and hunting for a place to call home.

We missed the brotherhood of our Delta team. A call from our former team leader, Shadow, led us to the state of Arkansas and the Angel's Rebellion MC. There we finally found what we were searching for, brotherhood and a home.

One night while tending the bar and putting in time for my prospecting duties, I saw a man who was a dead ringer for my younger brother, Zane. After a brief talk with the man, Slade, the foundation of my world was rocked, but in a good way. I found family and learned news that would change my family’s lives forever.

It's funny how one day can change a man's life. It did mine. It brought me two women who would give me the love I had unconsciously been seeking. Love that I never knew I needed, much less wanted. It brought the love of a mom and a good woman into my life. This is a continuation of my family's story, of the Dillin men and the women they love.

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My name is Slade Wesley Dillin, but I go by Boomer. The Army has been my home for the last thirty-one years of my life. I had planned on being there until they kicked me out. It's basically all I've ever known.

I have two sons that I am extremely proud of, Cas and Zane. Both had followed in my footsteps and joined the military. Cas followed me into the Army. Zane chose the Navy. Unlike me, neither remained in the service. Both had planned on making a career of the military, but it didn’t turn out that way. One of Cas's Delta missions went FUBAR, leaving him with demons to fight. Zane hadn't liked the way his SEAL team missions were handled. Each had his reason for signing his discharge papers. And it might sound unpatriotic, but I'm glad they did.

I've always heard that a single moment can change your life. One phone call from Cas, not only changed my life, it completely shattered my foundation. He gave me news that not only rocked my world, but made my life come full circle. I learned how one small piece of paper and the wind could take away a dream and a family. Join me as I continue with the journey that one phone call evoked.

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My name is Trad Knight. I go by Ghost, a handle I had gotten in the Army because of my ability to slip into places so quietly, so stealthily, making it hard for anyone to know I was even around. Like my best friend, Casper, I had planned to make the military my career, but one mission changed that. All my long range plans dissipated into thin air as if they never existed.

When I joined the Army, I had even given up my girl, Dani. I didn’t feel like it was fair to make her wait on a man who was never going to be there. I didn’t need the weight of a wife and family weighing me down.

That sounds selfish, I know. Delta had always been my dream. With that dream came the very real possibility that I could bite the bullet at any time. I just didn’t feel like it was fair to ask a woman to wait on a man who might not come home. And kids? Hell, I felt that would be the ultimate act of selfishness. Maybe my thinking was skewed, damn I’m sure it was. I do know one thing, it didn’t take me long to regret leaving Dani behind.

My buddy Cas and I traveled the States on the back of our bikes for six months after leaving the Army, fighting our demons and hunting for a place to call home. We missed the brotherhood of our Delta team. A call from our former team leader, Shadow, led us to the state of Arkansas and the Angel's Rebellion MC. 

There we finally found what we were searching for, brotherhood and a home. While I had the backing of men I knew I could trust to be there for me for anything, I was struggling with my PTSD. I was also regretting pushing Dani away. But it was too late for us now, she had moved on, married, had kids. And I, well, I was one lonely son of a bitch. A man who was eaten up with regret. I deserved it, damn did I deserve it. I was afraid that I’d never find the love of a good woman like I once had. I wouldn’t ever find another Dani.

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My name is Chad Paxton James. I go by Bane for reasons only I know. My best friend, cousin and Brother, Eagle, and I had dreamed of being members of Angel’s Rebellion MC from the time we could say the word motorcycle. We achieved that dream eight years ago at the age of nineteen. Everything was perfect in my world. Eagle and I lived our lives free and easy.

We could ride when we wanted, lived in and ate at the Clubhouse for free and had club girls whenever we felt the urge for a woman. We worked hard in one of the club’s businesses and made good money. There was nothing like being able to live my life the way I wanted and that included being able to have Eagle along for the ride.

Like I said, everything was perfect, that is until a red-headed slip of a girl walked into the bar we frequented, The Watering Hole, and turned our world upside down.

The night she walked into the bar was the night that started months of hell for not only me, but for Eagle, for my Brothers in the MC, and for the girl, Kenzie. Even though I fought with myself, I set about a path of destruction that almost destroyed more than one person. My best friend who had unknowingly saved me over the course of my life and a woman I came to love.

All of this came about because I had a secret that no one knew, not even Eagle. It was something I battled with almost daily, something that tried to take my life from me, my demon.


My name is Kevin Jonathan James. When I was young, my dream had been to become a member of Angel’s Rebellion MC. I’d also wanted to go into law enforcement. An oxymoron if there ever was one. A biker who was in law enforcement. A 1%’er biker at that. With the help of Sarge, the Prez at the time, we’d made it work.

I have been a patched member in the MC since I was eighteen. I’ve worked in the sheriff’s department for the past twenty-five years, eleven of those as the sheriff. I’ve had a good run in law enforcement, only now I’m burned out. I’m ready to retire, to be with my Brothers, to live on the compound and be close to my family. There is nothing like the brotherhood of these men.

My life hasn’t been bad. I have three children that I am very proud of. My marriage? Yeah, different story there. Thankfully, that was over.

I think a man reaches a stage where he re-exams his life. I’ve hit mine. I’m forty-six. I have my kids. I’ve had a career that hasn’t turned out to be all that I wanted. I don’t have a woman. No prospects on the horizon either. I need  a change. I need something to shake up the staid foundation of my world.

One opportune phone call gives me that and the person on the other end of the line rocks my world.


My name is Tyler Ethan Woodward. I go by my road name Karma. My dad Cueball is an Original Founder of the Angel’s Rebellion MC. There was never any doubt that I would follow in his footsteps. I’ve been a patched member for twenty years. During that time, my ex-girlfriend Jade and I had three children together, Chole, Zoey and Noah. Besides my MC Brothers and family, I’ve devoted my life to my kids.

Ten months ago, the unimaginable happened, Jade sold Zoey for drugs. Three prospects managed to save her but not before Zoey had been brutally violated. After getting Zoey and Noah home, I got counseling for my baby girl, only she didn’t respond to the therapist. Needing help for my daughter, I went to Dr. Bryn Moore and begged her to counsel my girl. She agreed.

From the moment I saw Bryn, I knew she was the woman for me. There was only one major problem for us, she despised bikers and I couldn’t blame her. She was justified in her hatred of them.

While slowly trying to get to know Bryn, ARMC was hit with multiple tragedies. One so catastrophic, it rocked our foundation to the very core. Brothers and their families were left reeling, trying to make sense out of the tragedy that tore into the very heart and soul of all of us.

Through several devastating experiences, the people of Angel’s Rebellion had to learn to cope, to deal with the heartbreak that was forced upon us.

This is not just my story, but ARMC’s story as well.

And how innocence was lost.

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My name is Jack Ryan Ronin. I am a Chief Petty Officer in the Navy. A SEAL team leader. Well, I was. I had my life planned out. I was dedicating it to my country. Life is funny, it has a way of kicking you in the ass when you least expect it. Like so many of my fellow brothers and sisters who had plans to make the military a lifelong career, my plans went up in smoke in the form of a career ending injury. Now, I am a forty-year-old disabled vet.

During rehab I didn’t reach out to my brothers, I didn’t want to be a burden to them. I let them call me. The first couple months, my former team members called to check on me. That didn’t last long and I had expected that to happen. The guys were busy with training and missions to execute, I was someone who was never going back to the teams. 

Everything I knew, everything I’d trained for didn’t easily cross over to civilian life. There weren’t a lot of jobs out there for a highly trained vet with a damaged right leg that wouldn’t let him perform his skills at an acceptable level. I was left unsure what I was going to do with my life.

Then a call from Zane Dillin led me to Arkansas for a visit with my former team member. That one phone call changed my life. I found a place where I could use my skills. A place with a Brotherhood like I had never encountered before in my life, not even with my former SEAL team.

I also found a woman. A woman to whom I was wildly attracted. It was a shame I couldn’t be with her. She didn’t share my values and I wasn’t lowering mine for anyone. Now I had to get her out of my mind, I only wished it wasn’t proving to be so hard.


My name is Paxton Lee Chadwick. I go by Ryker. I’ve been in the Hell’s Retribution MC for thirty-five years. For twenty-three of those years I was the VP. The majority of my time in the club I’d have given anything to be out of that godforsaken MC. The Prez, King, was a soulless man with a heart blacker than coal. He had a daughter who took after him in every way.

Two days after my dad was killed, I was conned into doing something I didn’t want to do. I had still been grieving for my dad and had no business making a life altering decision. I was twenty-one when that happened.

You know how you go through life and wish you could have a do-over? I wish like hell I could do that over. Yet if I was told that I could be given that wish, I wouldn’t take it. There is no way I would ever think about giving up my four youngest children. Not even for the love of my life.

Earlier this year, at the age of fifty-three, I learned I had another son named Bane and a daughter named Leigh. To a man like me who had always wanted kids, it was a happy moment, albeit bittersweet. I had missed twenty-eight years of my son’s life and twenty-seven of my daughter’s. That cut me to the core.

Fearing for my younger children’s safety, I turned to Bane’s MC, Angel’s Rebellion, for help. Once on their compound, I found the things I had been searching for my entire life. Things that made me envy the Brothers of the MC.

I discovered one more thing. The woman who had held my heart for the past twenty-nine years. A woman who had made my world come alive. A woman I had pushed away. A woman I’d yearned for every day since then.

A woman who now hates me and I have no one to blame but myself.



My name is Wyatt Asher Reynolds. I go by Ranger. I received that moniker when I was in the military, serving as an elite Army Ranger sniper. During my fifteenth year in the service, I was shot. A couple inches lower and I would have been a dead man. The injury made me rethink my long-term goals and I decided it was time to head home. That was seven years ago.

I've been a member of Angel’s Rebellion MC for twenty years. I patched in before entering the service at eighteen-years-old. 

I had it all. I have a job that I was excited to get up and go to every day. A group of Brothers at my back that I could count on for anything. A Brotherhood that I had been welcomed back into when I finally decided to call it good with the Army.

Despite all of the good in my life, I’ve been discontented lately. Watching all my Brothers finding Old Ladies, I realized that I was lonely, but I never planned to settle down because of something that happened in my past. 

My best friend Doc sat me down and made me face several hard facts about myself. After thinking about everything she pointed out, I began thinking that maybe there was hope for me after all. 

There was only one problem. I was thirty-nine-years-old and I’d never even come close to falling in love. Then the door to my past opened up and my world blew upside down.


Brute Doom’s Legacy:

Part 1

My name is Warren Brody Hayes. I go by Brute. Like a lot of my Brothers in my MC, I’ve lived on the compound my whole life. I’ve been a member of Angel’s Rebellion for eighteen years. I’m surrounded by good men, family and friends. Up until last year, my life had been cruising along.

But one night and two bullets had the power to rock my world and change it forever. I lost a part of me, a piece of my soul. A gunman murdered my brother by blood, my Brother in the club, and my best friend. Doom.

Ever since that night, I’ve been struggling for my world to make sense. Not a day goes by when I don’t think of my baby brother. Everywhere I look, everything familiar reminds me he’s gone. Something will happen and I pull out my phone to call him, only he’s no longer here.

Doom’s death has been a damn hard thing to reconcile and to accept.

Then a miracle entered my life, giving me back a little part of my brother. While the pain of my brother’s loss is still there, I can feel it lessening. His miracle has brought a smile to my face. Laughter to my days. And a love like none I’ve ever felt before.


Brute Doom’s Legacy:

Part 2

My name is Warren Brody Hayes. I go by Brute. When my younger brother Doom was killed, it cast me into a darkness that I struggled with daily. The past year without my baby brother, my MC brother, and my best friend left me with a heartache that was so bad that I could only go through the motions of living each day.

Then a miracle, a light, appeared in the form of a young boy named Bronx, and with him came his mama, Seneca. Bronx wasn’t just any little boy, he was Doom’s seven-year-old son.

The moment I first saw him took me to my knees. He looked so much like Doom that if I were a child again and we were standing side-by-side, you wouldn’t know that it wasn’t his dad and me. Needless to say, from the very first second I saw him, a love so strong, so pure, filled my soul and I knew that I would do anything for him.

Absolutely. Anything.

Yet he isn’t the only one that I fell in love with. The first time I saw his mom, Seneca, she took my breath away. Since that time, I’m not sure that I’ve gotten it back.

But like everything in life, things weren’t perfect. We had a battle facing us that could potentially take away the light. It was a battle I was determined to win. Like the battle I was going to win for Seneca’s love. I refused to accept any other outcome. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. Anything else was unacceptable.

Because I needed his light, her light, their love, to keep me from falling into the darkness again.