“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —

—i took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.”

~ Robert Frost ~


Jeneveir Evans


At the tender age of 5, I had my first thrill of motorcycle riding. Well okay, it was a mini-bike. Riding went well until it didn’t. I crashed. I still have the scars. Fast forward a bit to my young teenage years when my true love affair with motorcycles began. It was then that I got my first and, sadly, only motorcycle. I rode constantly for almost 4 years. Though I took care of it, my engine finally gave up the ghost. It broke my heart.

My love affair with books started about the same time. When I was a preschooler, my mom read Little House on the Prairie to me. That was all it took. I was hooked. I could read before I started school, while kids my own age were struggling with their daily readers, I was consuming books. By the precocious age of twelve, I was hooked on Janet Daily’s Harlequin Romances and totally convinced that I could write a romance book too. I wrote notebooks full of text. That’s when writing became my dream.

In my late teens I was blessed to marry my best friend and love of my life. Two years later we welcomed our first child and his Irish twin arrived the next year. I was determined to go to college and enrolled after our sons started school. Professors encouraged me to write, but family life didn’t allow time then. So my dream sat idle, but it was always hovering.

Before we retired, my hubby and I were drawn to become foster parents and later adoptive parents of four wonderful girls. During that same period I was diagnosed with a chronic illness and reading became my relief. When I read my first MC book, I fell in love, hard. During this time, I started talking with then-new author Cee Bowerman. After a few months of talking plots, one day she told me I should just write my own book. And the dream that had been idling, revved up.

I wrote my first book for me, to prove to myself that I could. Then I told myself if I could finish three books, I’d publish. My third book turned into a trilogy. Through all of this, Angel’s Rebellion MC was born. And if I can provide readers with a few hours of pleasure, then my dream will have truly come true.

So this is my dream. Their voices. My way.